Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3-6-14 Theo returns to school

Theodore decided to go with me to school again today.  He played the role of ambassador bunny by showing the kids the work it takes to care for a bunny.  We set up a playpen for him by my desk and the kids were able to observe him throughout the day.

During Daily 5 time, my reading groups enjoyed "reading to him" as his pen was right by our horseshoe table.  I think Theo loved being read to while eating hay or watching the kids from his hidey house.

 In writer's workshop, we have been learning about informative writing and it's different forms.  Theodore's visit allowed the students an opportunity to experience informative writing in a new way.   Their assignment was to write an observational journal entry about Theodore and what he was doing.  I allowed the kids to sit on the carpet with Theo in the middle.  Once they were supposed to begin writing, a few students were able to persuade me (with evidence of course ;) ) to let them write a fictional narrative about Theodore the Superhero bunny instead.  I will post some of their writing below.  Theo hopped around the carpet, sniffed the kids, jumped in/out of the litter box and climbed in my lap several times.  He even showed them that he can pretend to be a meerkat (stand on back feet and look around).  Theo definitely gave them plenty to write about during our 30 minute writing block.  Once workshop was over and it was time to line up for lunch, I had to put our guest back in his desk area.  He was none to happy with me and was sure to let me know with lots of sad stares while I ate my lunch.  Though, he had the attention of many teachers during our lunch break and even got a snuggle from one of them. ;)

After lunch, was a chance for a brain break where the students sang and danced for Theo.  Then our reading clinic time began.  During this time, small groups ( 4 kids) would come to the horseshoe table to read together.  This was naptime for Theo as he settled into his box for the stories and a snooze.  He stayed in his hidey box for almost the whole hour of clinic.  

Not too long into math, foster dad came and took the boy home.  You would think after such a long day (about 6 hours) surrounded by first graders, this little man would be exhausted.  NOPE! He was still full of energy at his regular nightly "play time".  He did ask for a little more snuggles than usual but they never lasted long.  

The kids informational and narrative writing 

Informational writing
Translation (as written by child except I cleaned up the spelling)-
 Theodore hopped to me (pedidme 2 tioshim ?) He is eating hay.  He is sitting in his pen. He is licking himself.  There are 3 kids petting him. I think he is staring at Mrs. Atherton. There are a teacher. He is staring at a kid. There is 1 kid petting him. Theodore looks like he Theodore is smelling his mom. He is sitting. He hopped out of his cage (no cage in room not sure what child was talking about). There he got put it up.

Narrative writing
Translation (as written by child except I cleaned up the spelling)-
Once upon a time there was one guy named Batman and Ironbun.  We were looking for criminals then one day we saw 10 bad guys rob a jewelry store. So me and Ironbun, me and him, flew down and beat them up but but then we were wrong. Me and Ironbun did not know what to do. We tried to think then we thought of a plan I jumped and he bust him then we won.

Narrative writing
Translation (as written by child except I cleaned up the spelling)-
Theo is superhero. Theo is super cute. I am going to write a story of him.  The super bunny named Theo. The super hero saves people and bunnies that are in trouble and are about to get ran over by a train or something else like a reindeer or Santa and sometimes we call him Ironbun and he saves a lot of people.

Informational writing
Translation (as written by child except I cleaned up the spelling)-
Theo is getting close to Logan and now he is eating. Now he got close up to Chase and he's eating again. Now, he got close to Josh and Terra and Caden petted him and he's just sitting there.  And now, he was next to Nathen and now he came near me and Daniel and Terra is petting Theo again. He's eating hay and he's still eating. He's not getting out and I want to pet him again. And Hailey said he was asleep. Daniel petted him again and now he's standing on his two feet and now he's staring at me. And Mrs. Baldini is petting him. Three kids were petting him and he jumped. Theo must like Nathen really bad. And Mrs. Atherton moved him and I petted him again. And 3 people petting him and they're still petting him. And a bunch of people were talking about poop and Mrs. Atherton might have to put him up at lunchtime. And I thought she's gonna put him back. He's sniffing his toy box and he got out of his litter box.  It's time to put him back now.

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